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Math teacher, mom, and everything in between the Z!

Aloma P. Ukaegbu began her teaching at the young age of 8 when she would host gatherings and play school. These parties were unpopular with her mother as Aloma would often take a crayon to her bedroom wall and use it to display instruction to her students. Little did she know that this would lead to a rewarding career where she would have the opportunity to directly impact the personal and academic lives of eager young minds. 


Since then, Aloma has continued to improve and sharpen her craft by helping to co-found the peer-leadership and peer-tutoring program in her high school and, additionally, privately tutor the children of neighbors, co-workers, friends and family. For a short while, Aloma was curious about Broadcast Journalism and Communications and earned a degree in Communications: Public Relations. She also hold several finance certificates/licenses from having worked in the business banking world for a number of years. Eventually, however, she returned to her first love: teaching. 


Despite having already acquired her Communications - Public Relations degree, Aloma decided to return to school and start fresh. She enrolled at Kean University to study Mathematics and Secondary Education. During that time, she felt led to work with middle school aged children and focused her personal time on familiarizing herself with 6th – 7th grade curriculum, though her study was K – 12 education. Aloma completed her practicums at several different schools within New Jersey but found her home, during her senior practicum, and Walter O. Krumbiegel School. 


Before her field experience concluded, the maths supervisor, school principal and Director of Secondary Education were all working to offer her a permanent position within the school (there were no current openings). She was asked to remain within the district, for a year, then return to WOK. This was not particularly appealing to Aloma especially since she received several offers (Summit, East Orange, Maplewood, Newark etc.) for a permanent, middle school position. As the fates would have it, though, an 8th grade position opened and she was immediately hired. 


Aloma then decided to move to Minnesota after residing in New Jersey for more than two decades! Though she’d made many friends who were sad to see her go, they all wished her well. When asked about her new position, Aloma had this to say: "I love it here and the sense of accomplishment I feel after working hard and completing my projects. It doesn't feel as if I'm coming to work at all. I have responsibilities and duties but I'm having so much fun learning all these new things! There is a strong sense of community and family values with CA; the teachers are so warm -- I've made so many new friends. It's awesome how everyone works together to hone their craft.  I'm so excited to be teaching and leading here!" Since the move, Aloma has earned her Masters of Education in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on Mathematics from Concordia University and plans to pursue her doctorates. This is Aloma's fifth year at CA, holding the position of the Maths Coordinator and instructing Algebra 1A & 1B.


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